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StopSpam is dedicated to tracking down and instituting legal action against illegal and misleading email. We operate under the laws of the State of Washington, which prohibit misleading spam.
Violators anywhere in the United States are liable for 500 dollars per incident if they send misleading spam to a Washington resident.

The Law

Washington state law prohibits forged headers, misleading subject lines, and other actions taken by spammers. StopSpam actively solicits spam and takes legal action against spammers. Send any suspected spam email (with full headers) to: StopSpam@justice.com


StopSpam is currently investigating a total of 23 case of spam violations. Many of these will be settled out-of-court, but some will be pursued through lawsuits and collection of judgements. We will keep you informed of our progress.


Information is available through other anti-spam sites as listed.

Questions and discussion site: